Debookee windows
Debookee windows

Observe HTTP(s) requests/responses on mobile devices/simulators.Intercept and analyze the HTTP(s) network requests/responses.


Features and PricingĪlmost all of the above tools offer full features to greatly facilitate debugging procedures There are a number of good options that can fill the role of a debugging proxy, including both highly-matured tools like Wireshark, Charles Proxy or Fiddler … and newly-developed tools like Debookee, or Proxyman.Įach of them has its own advantages/disadvantages so let’s take a quick look into all available options and find out which one that fits your needs.

  • Easily Manipulating HTTP(s) Requests and Responses data with built-in tools, such as Map Local, Map Remote, Breakpoint, Scripting.
  • Able to capture traffic from iOS physical devices (iPhone, iPad, AppleWatch, etc), iOS Simulator, Android physical devices, and Android Emulators.
  • debookee windows

    Sharing HTTP(s) Requests and Responses.Observing or analyzing HTTP(s) Requests and Responses.Capture and Inspect HTTP/HTTPS traffic in plain text.

    debookee windows

    In general, those man-in-the-middle apps can be used by developers in many cases, including: In such situations, using suitable web debugging proxy tools could make our life much easier. As a developer, we might not need to pay much attention to this low level most of the time, but sometimes a problem might show up that needs us to drop to the level of the network and figure out what is going on. Almost every application these days seem to communicate over HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

    Debookee windows